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Sounds of Worship

Worship is critical during this hour.. When the money gets low, jobs end, debt and inflation rises, foreclosures and bankruptcies occur at an alarming all-time high, the stock market is plummeting, marriages are failing, children are rebelling, sickness and disease abounds and the flood waters keep rising, God is waiting and listening for the sound of the true worshipers to come forth. Anybody can worship God when things are going good, but when things take a sudden turn for the worst, will you still worship the Lord? "The hour has come and now is when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him." John 4:22-23

​CD Release



CD Release—The hour has come and now is! Evang. Taylor's CD's "I Got Joy" & "A New Beginning" are now available. These release's are a compilation of anointed praise and worship songs that will usher you right into the presence of the Lord! Get ready! Get ready! Get ready!


Click on the button below to purchase the CD of your choice.

"Through it All"


by Evangelist Janet E. Taylor


Have you ever had days when you thought you just couldn't make it? Have you ever had so much going wrong that you thought you couldn't take it any more? Well, before you throw in the towel, you need a word of encouragement from someone whose been there, done that. You need to hear how the Lord brought Evangelist Janet Taylor through it all.

"Let the Anointing"


by Evangelist Janet E. Taylor


Do you long to feel the anointing of God flowing in your life? Do you fast and pray but still don't feel anointed? Listen to this song and you will hear the sound of the anointing that comes only through intimate worship. You will be greatly blessed.

Click one of the buttons to the left to purchase CD's

I Got Joy WBFJ radio interview - Janet Taylor
00:00 / 00:00


Click the audio players to the left to hear songs from Janet Taylor!


To purchase the CD go to

Interested in having Evangelist Taylor for a concert?

© 2014 by Walls of Fire Deliverance Ministry Int'l.            P. O. Box 1148 Walkertown, NC 27051                  336.830.0601     

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