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It's Harvest Time!

Jesus is coming soon, but before He returns for His Bride, there is going to be a glorious and final harvest that takes place. The Church is going to experience the greatest revival ever known to man. There is going to be one last great awakening before the Church is raptured, but unfortunately, it will come on the heels of tragedy, disaster, and utter devastation. These are the things that God have always used to bring His people to repentance and back into alignment with Himself. Throughout scripture, this pattern can be continously seen, so we can be certain God will once again use what He has always used to get man's attention.

Famine, war, lack, destruction, and catastrophic events are what God used to chasten and correct Israel, whenever they strayed from the path He had chosen for them. These are the things that causes men to realize that we are not in charge and that the God of heaven and earth rules and reigns with all power in His hands. God often uses destruction and utter devastation to remind mankind that God alone is sovereign.

The Church has gotten too comfortable. We are at ease in Zion, prosperous, having no need of anything. We have forgotten where God brought us from. We have become fixiated on obtaining earthly possessions and many are addicted to Babylon. The idols are coming down. God loves us so much that He will not allow us to reamin comfortable in our sins, and He will draw us unto Him by any means necessary. God will prove to us that His word is true. "Without me, ye can do nothing." (John 15:5)

"Jesus said to His disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that He will send forth laborers into His harvest." (Matt. 9:37-38) God will use whatever it takes to bring men and women to the feet of Jesus, pleading "What must I do to be saved." (Acts 16:30)

God is going to clean house. He will remove pastors who fail to preach and teach holiness and righteousness, but instead preach watered-down messages that make us feel good about ourselves. God will deal with ministers who only preach positive thinking messages but fail to warn the people of God of the wrath to come. This is not the time for lullabyes. We need preachers who will "cry loud and spare not" to awaken us from our spiritual slumber. God will raise up an enemy to do just that. This will bring forth the godly sorrow and repentance that precedes soul salvation, which will birth world-wide revival. So get ready, because the fields are ripe and white. It's harvest time!

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