A Call to Repentance
Whenever the Lord judged a nation, a clarion call for repentance went out first. God is just, so He always sends a warning, to allow a...
Where Is The Difference?
There is supposed to be a distinct difference between the world and the people of God. Remember Goshen? Goshen was the land Pharoah gave...
God's Plan for God's Purpose, pt. 2
Nebuchadnezzar was a part of God's great plan and purpose to bring His people back to Him. God used Nebuchadnezzar to correct Israel, the...
God's Plan for God's Purpose
Whenever I read the story of Esther, Joseph, Rahab, or Jephthah, I look in awe at the way God does things to bring about His plans and...
Mighty Is Our God!
I was in Jamaica for a women's conference in 2012, as a guest speaker. I learned a little song that so greatly blessed me that I'd like...
Joy to the World, I Got Joy!
Before I became a Christian, I sang "Joy to the World" as a mere Christmas song. I sung it only during the holiday season. I did this...
I Belong to God
In 1994, God saved and delivered me from a horrible life. I was strung out on crack cocaine and had become a small time street...
God Did It
I came across a verse in the Bible the other day that literally blew my mind. I read the entire Bible through each year, but for some...
Jesus is Coming! God's Promise
Today I had an another unusual, but awesome dream in which I saw a beautiful rainbow in the sky, followed by a torrential downpour. I...
It's Praying Time
On December 14, 2012 a massive shooting took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, that resulted in the deaths of 28...